
We are a voluntary organisation whose aim is to provide free, non-judgemental support, advice and information for anyone who knows or is related to a trans or non-binary person in the UK. We offer a way people in similar situations and circumstances can exchange experiences and information to support each other.

We are not only a support group but provide an on-line space where people can be heard. Our group is made up from partners & ex-partners, the family members and friends the “significant others” of trans and binary people. Trans people themselves are not permitted to join Depend, has the effect and purpose of making the support areas a safe space where people can express their concerns without having to worry about upsetting their loved ones or feeling embarrassed about their feelings.

  • Meeting Frequency: Varies
  • Meeting Day:  Varies
  • Meeting Times: Varies

Meeting Address

Online Only

Contact Info

Email: [email protected]

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